Puzzle & Chemical

by Proper Lab



(Detailed explanation) →■Rules & operating instructions・You can get points by tracing the ball with your touch and guessing the chemical formula of the substance given in the column above.For example, HH for hydrogen (H2). For water (H2O), it is HHO. (You can trace in any order)The more complex the substance you create, the higher the score.・The panel of the substance you hit will temporarily disappear. (The same substance cannot be made continuously)It will be revived when another substance is applied to it. It may also change to a different substance panel when revived.- The game is over when the "Energy Gauge" on the right side of the screen drops to the bottom.- If you hit a substance with a high level, a little energy will be returned.- If you touch the hint button at the top right, the substance name on the substance panel will change to a chemical formula for a certain period of time.However, the energy will be slightly reduced.-Touch the reshuffle button to the left of the hint button to replace all balls with new balls. Please use it when you are unable to create a substance.Energy decreases slightly when used. Also, once a substance has been used, it cannot be used again unless it is created at least once.・When the game ends, the ranking will be displayed. Scores for 1st to 5th place, game mode, and date played are recorded.(Ranking of local play environment)■ Game start menu・MODE ALimited number of times mode.In this mode, energy decreases each time you align atomic balls and clear supply panels.You can think slowly.・MODE BTime limit mode.It is a mode in which energy is constantly decreasing slowly.Youll have to think quickly, but the points for erasing the substance panel are double that of MODE A.Clearing the yellow and orange substance panels will restore a little energy.・Language settingsSubstance names can be switched between Japanese and English.・Game explanationYou can see a simple game description and a list of chemical formulas.A ★ mark will be displayed on the substances completed during the game.